<aside> 📅 Planning out your schedule for applying to grad schools



Application Timeline

Timeline Tasks
Summer Break researching grad school programs

assess grad school programs (i.e. see if I was interested in applying to them) and putting their key facts on a Notion page (see ‣)

made application checklists for what I had to do for each program I was interested in (ex: references, cover letters, etc.)

reach out to potential referees to see if they’d be interested in writing a reference for me | | Fall Semester | cold messaging students in the programs I was interested in, via LinkedIn (see ‣)

have coffee chats (virtual) with people in the program I was applying to

brainstorm ideas for what to write on my resume + CV

read lots of online resources about writing resumes, cover letters, and how to make my application stand out

creating a reference package for my references References (my package ended up being 10+ pages!) | | Winter Break | focus on writing applications

wrote drafts of my cover letters and CV

refining drafts of my resume and CV

having friends + family read over my drafts

obtaining all the required documentation for my programs and uploading them (ex: transcripts)

following up with my references about the status of their reference letters (if they were not complete yet)

submitting all of my grad school applications! |