🌻 strategies to organize your grad school research
- Add all of your program dates to a calendar
- This can include application deadlines and information session dates
- Make sure that the notifications notify you at least 2 weeks before the deadline
- Share the deadline calendar events with your referees so they also know when they have to complete their references by
- Sometimes, the referee deadline is earlier than the program application deadline, so make sure to research this and inform your referees ahead of time
Documenting Your Research
- Use a organization system like Notion, Google Docs, or Google Sheets to organize your research
- Document important information such as:
- Name of program
- Description of program / Program overview (copied from the program’s website)
- Program application requirements (ex: resume, transcript, references, etc.)
- Program website
- Deadlines
- If using a web browser that allows bookmarking, make a “grad school folder” to save important links
- For example, bookmark your program’s website, your applications folder, etc
- On Chrome, it may look something like this:
Where Can I Do Research?
- Attend information sessions held by the program
- If the session is held virtually, try to turn your camera on and ask lots of questions!
- The program’s website and social media pages
- Sign up for program mailing lists and newsletters